Custom Pilates and Yoga

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Rabbit pose

Find Your Abs with Rabbit Pose

By Sarah Stockett | April 23, 2018

Rabbit pose is also known as Sasangasana, Sasakasana, or Shashangasana (depending on which style of yoga you practice). No matter what you call it, Rabbit pose is a hum-dinger of a way to work your abs. Here’s more about this great yoga pose that’s appropriate for yogis of all levels.

3 parts forward bend

How to Practice 3 Parts Forward Bend

By Sarah Stockett | April 16, 2018

Seated forward folds stretch the hamstrings and spine. Unlike other seated forward folds, 3 Parts forward bend, also known as Triang Makhaikapada Paschimottanasana, adds the challenge of forward folding over one leg while the other leg is in Virasana.

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

Work Core Muscles and Hip Stabilizers in Utthita Padangusthasana

By Sarah Stockett | April 9, 2018

In Utthita Padangusthasana, which roughly translates to Extended hand to big toe pose, you get the opportunity to work core muscles, strengthen hip stabilizers, and stretch your hamstrings–a multitasker’s dream!


Find Natural Spinal Traction in Padangusthasana

By Sarah Stockett | April 2, 2018

Our bodies feel constant pressure from gravity. Whenever you have your head lower than your hips, you use gravity to your benefit to naturally traction your spine. This is the case in the yoga pose Padangusthasana, which roughly translates to Hand to big toe pose. Here’s how to do this spine-saving pose.

hand to foot pose

Relax in Hand to Foot Pose

By Sarah Stockett | March 26, 2018

It may not look like it, but Hand to foot pose, also known as Pada Hastasana, is very relaxing because younaturally traction your spine. By bringing your head lower than your hips, you allow gravity to stretch your spine. This is a step toward undoing all the compression that gravity causes throughout the day.

revolved half moon pose

Challenge Hip Stabilizers with Revolved Half Moon Pose

By Sarah Stockett | March 19, 2018

Revolved half moon pose, also known as Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana, is a great way to challenge your stabilizers in your hips and receive the benefits of spinal rotation. Since you’re balancing on one leg and then twisting into the stabilizing hip, there is a lot of muscle work happening.

half moon pose

Use Half Moon Pose to Work Your Stabilizers

By Sarah Stockett | March 12, 2018

Half moon pose, also known as Ardha Chandrasana, is a fantastic way to work your gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. These two lesser-known gluteal muscles are responsible for creating stability in your hip. When these stabilizers engage, your hips move better and any movement from the hip feels smoother and easier.

Puppy pose

Try Puppy Pose Instead of Downward Facing Dog

By Sarah Stockett | March 5, 2018

If you have issues with Downward facing dog, try Puppy pose. Puppy pose, known as Anahatasana, creates a stretch in your chest, energizes your arms, and opens your spine without taking your knees off the floor. It is also a great modification for Child’s pose for people with limited range of motion in their knees.

Gate Pose

Gate Pose Strengthens the Spine

By Sarah Stockett | February 26, 2018

Gate pose, also known as Parighasana, is another great side flexion exercise to strengthen the spine. When we use a mix of exercises that involve spinal flexion, extension, rotation, and side flexion; we create a strong, healthy spine. With a strong spine, we can also work on creating a strong core.

Infinity pose

Use Infinity Pose for a Healthy Spine and Limber Legs

By Sarah Stockett | February 19, 2018

The Infinity pose, or Anantasana, reminds me of practicing Développés in dance class. As long as you’re not too forceful in your stretch, this pose can do a world of good. It opens the hips and lengthens the hamstrings. Plus, you’ve got some side flexion, so it’s very beneficial for spinal health.

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