Realign Your Sacral Chakra and Have More Fun!

The sacral chakra, known as Svadhisthana, is where your pleasure center resides. Your emotions, creativity, and sexuality are particularly tied to the sacral chakra. This means that if you’re feeling either an excess of or lack of these things, you may need to realign your sacral chakra.

Perhaps you’ve seen a picture of a seated person with a rainbow of dots up their spine to their forehead. These are the chakras. Although some people may argue that there are more than 7 chakras, everyone agrees that there are at least 7. See the picture below for the approximate location of the chakras.

7 chakras

Thanks to for the image.

In English, chakra translates to “wheel.” All of these “wheels” work together to transfer energy, thoughts, feelings, and impulses through your body. The chakras are truly a complex system. To truly understand each of them and how they work would require study far above and beyond what this article offers.

So far, we have already discussed the root chakra, Muladhara.

Chakras are first mentioned in 200 B.C. in Pantanjali’s Yoga Sutras.  Despite the large quantity of years to study the chakras, it hasn’t been until relatively recently that scientific studies have started to validate the ancient claims. (Here’s a link to “Scientists Quantify and Graphically Chart Alignment of Human Chakras in Various Emotional States” if you’re interested in reading more on that.)

Since we all have 7 chakras, each chakra is important to us for various reasons. We may not universally feel each chakra in the same way. For example, if a friend and I both have our sacral chakras misaligned, we may experience different feelings and thoughts. However, we can participate in the same sacral chakra-aligning practice and both receive benefit in our respective areas.

Sacral Chakra Attributes

Sacral chakra

Thanks to

Each chakra has its own attributes and associations. Here is a quick breakdown of the sacral chakra.

  • Color:  Orange
  • Element:  Water
  • Sense:  Taste
  • Location:  The lower belly
  • Functions:  Creativity, Pleasure, Sensuality, Sexuality, Self-confidence

Signs of Sacral Chakra Imbalance

You may want to balance your sacral chakra if you feel:

  • dependency or co-dependency with someone or something.
  • disconnected from your emotions.
  • a lack of desire, sexual or otherwise.
  • stuck in a mood.

Now, take a look at the list above. If you feel the extreme opposite of those feelings, you may also benefit from some balancing. So, if you’re feeling controlled by your emotions or greedy with your desires, a sacral balancing practice could benefit you.

Sacral Chakra Balancing

Balance the sacral chakra with hip openers, flowing sequences, and any poses that may personally make you uneasy. Some examples of hip openers include Baddha konasana, Virasana, Triangle pose, Bridge pose, and Crescent lunge. Flowing sequences would include any vinyasas or Sun Salutations.

Additional Resources

If you’re wanting a specific practice to balance your sacral chakra, I recommend reading [easyazon_link identifier=”1583944974″ locale=”US” tag=”custpilandyog-20″]Yoga Sequencing[/easyazon_link] by Mark Stephens. This book contains many sequences, not just those that pertain to balancing the chakras, and information about how to construct your own yoga sequences.

Also, I highly recommend Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones’s book [easyazon_link identifier=”1583944583″ locale=”US” tag=”custpilandyog-20″]The Vital Psoas Muscle[/easyazon_link] for more information about the first three chakras. Since the psoas only impacts the first three chakras, they are the only ones specifically explained in this book. However, if you want information about how a junky psoas impacts your life and your first three chakras, this is a great read.

I also really enjoy the [easyazon_link identifier=”0974430382″ locale=”US” tag=”custpilandyog-20″]Yoga Toolbox for Teachers and Students[/easyazon_link] by Integrative Yoga Therapy. This is a binder of laminated pages that thoroughly explain many basic yoga poses. One of the perks of practicing yoga with these pages is that the activated chakras are shown for each pose. This makes it much easier to create a chakra specific sequence on your own.

How do you prefer to balance your sacral chakra? Let us know in the comments below.

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About Sarah Stockett

Hi, I'm Sarah! I'm a certified Pilates and yoga instructor with a passion for pain relief. I believe you can use simple exercises to relieve your aches + pains. AND, I believe I can teach you how.