Siddhasana–Another Way to Take a Seat
Siddhasana, like Sukhasana, is another seated pose with many purposes. This position is used for breath work, opening, grounding, closing, and meditation, so it’s possible that you could be breathing in a variety of ways while in this pose. In fact, there is no certain breathing pattern that is best for the practice of this pose.
Also, given the number of activities that you could be performing while in this position, be aware that you may be in this pose for quite a while. This is why it’s so crucial to get set up in correct, comfortable alignment right off the bat. Being set up correctly will help your body relax, allowing you to quiet your mind.
Personally, I use this pose as a preparation for Lotus pose. (Lotus pose is more challenging but also more common.) Use this pose to help you find openness at the hip while grounding through the SITs bones. This skill will help you when we learn Lotus pose next week.
- Take a comfortable seat.
- Make sure your knees are level with or lower than your hips. If you have tight hips, your knees will be elevated. Use props to get yourself into the correct position so that your body can relax. Try sitting on a bolster, folded blanket, or blocks to lift your hips higher than your knees. By lifting your hips, you make it easier for your hips to relax.
- Feel yourself ground through your SITs bones.
- Scoot your left thigh open to the side.
- Bring your left toes into the space at the back of your right knee. Your left toes should not be visible.
- Reach under your left leg with your left hand to grab your right ankle.
- Bring your right foot and ankle under the left leg.
- In this position, your toes should not be visible, and your heels should be near your crotch.
- Feel your SITs bones press down into the surface beneath you.
- As you feel the energy travel down to the ground, feel how it also rises through your spine, allowing you to sit up straight with ease. Energy normally travels in opposite directions so, if you feel like your posture starts to wilt, reconnect your SITs bones to the ground and feel the natural lift through your spine.
- Broaden your collarbones, and bring your shoulder blades onto your back.
- Bring your hands onto your thighs, and turn your palms to face the ceiling.
- Hold and breathe.
- You may switch so that your right toes tuck into the back of your left knee, and repeat the exercise for the other side. However, this is optional.
Siddhasana Video
Here is a video for visual learners.
How do you enjoy Siddhasana? Let us know in the comments below.
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